Research Bites - 2/2021 - by Dayana Lituma (Southern CT University) & Nicole Yehezkel (NYU)

In anticipation of Dr. Megan Y. Roberts visit to BLLING-SLP, the research team reviewed two of her articles. Enjoy a summary of both of these papers completed by two talented BLLINGers, Dayana Lituma and Nicole Yehezkel

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Podcast Episode - What BLLING-SLP Does.

Want to learn more about what BLLING-SLP can do for you?

Here for you a candid, vulnerable, critical, and insightful conversation about education in SLP, about the types of changes that must take place in academia to increase representation, support inclusion and foster belonging for all of our students from minoritized backgrounds. On our newest PODCAST EPISODE, What BLLING-SLP Does, Jessica Navarro-Fry (our host) interviews a former alumna of NYU, Kristina Doyle and a current student and member of BLLING-SLP, Lauren Khoury. It is also available for you through the ‘podcast’ page.

Kristina Doyle and Lauren Khoury, keep striving for equity, culturally and linguistically responsive practices, and social responsibility. I’m exceptionally grateful to share the path of learning with you both. Thanks to Jessica for her masterful interviewing skills and also to Heather Loughran, our gifted audio editor.

Dr. B