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Maria Rosa Brea, Ph.D.


Preferred pronombres/ pronouns: ella/she/her

Hola, BLLINGers!

My name is María Rosa (or Dra. B) and I am the co-creator of BLLING (shoutout to Kyna Betancourt, Ph.D. for sharing the moment of creative synergy that generated this community in 2012). I am currently a Clinical faculty member at New York University. I hold a Master’s of Science in Speech-Language Therapy and a Ph.D. in Cognitive and Neural Sciences and a minor in Language Science from the University of South Florida (Go, Bulls!). I have practiced as a diagnostician and interventionist in a variety of educational settings, co-learing with school-age population who are bi-multilingual in the United States and who have been labeled as dis/abled. Among my professional passions are: practicing inclusive pedagogy, conducting research that center the experiences and skills of minoritized individuals and languages, and learning from the new generation of fierce advocates for liberatory languaging in the field (i.e., this community).

Hope to catch you in one of our meetings,

~La Dra. B
